Exhibitor service
We look forward to welcoming you again this year.
For all new exhibitors: Welcome to "Mut zum Hut", we hope you will have a great weekend.
In the appendix we explain all the important information about our event again. If you have any questions or suggestions, simply contact us. Isabel Patel and I look forward to seeing you!
Yours, Ute Patel-Missfeldt & Isabel Patel
Upon arrival, please report to Isabel Patel at Ingolstadt Castle/Army Museum. She will show you where you stand and hand you the exhibitor passes against your signature. Loading and unloading is permitted in the courtyard of the castle and the inner courtyard of the Marstall. Please drive your vehicle out of the yard immediately after unloading. Parking options will be listed here in good time.

Assembly and disassembly
If possible, arrival and set-up can take place on Thursday, September 22, 2022, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
On Friday, September 23th, 2022, the construction must be completed by 3 p.m., all vehicles that are still in the yard will be towed away!
Dismantling on Sunday, September 25, 2022 is only permitted from 7 p.m. (see terms and conditions)!
Fashion show
On Saturday, September 24th, 2022 and Sunday, September 25th, 2022 at 2 p.m
finds a large, fee-based fashion show. She's across the street in the theater.
For this fashion show, each exhibitor may provide three outfits - no jewelry - each exhibitor may only submit their items for the big fashion show on one day . Which one will be announced later. Items must be returned to the model room in the theater by 12 noon (in a bag marked with the name of the exhibitor and the floor, please).
The bags must be picked up again at 4:30 p.m. Since we always let a whole floor perform together on one day, it could be organized in such a way that one or two people from the entire floor bring and pick up the goods.

Everyone is responsible for their own accommodation and meals. Please take care of it in time!
You can get information about:
Ingolstadt Tourism and Congress GmbH
Moritzstrasse 19
D-85049 Ingolstadt
T +49 841 305-3030
Various advertising campaigns are running regionally and nationally as well as abroad for our event.
You will find reports in the press, radio and television, eg »Merian – Bavaria's most beautiful pages«, »New York Weekly Magazine« and many more.
If you have websites, they can be linked to us. Please send an email with the desired link (the address of your homepage) to: Isabel Patel ( isabel.patel@gmx.de )